Sunday, June 28, 2020

Artificial heart

Artificial hearts sound like science fiction or like a Sci fi movie, but they’ve actually been in clinical use to help end-stage heart failure(when heart is unable to pump sufficient blood) patients for more than 35 years. 

As the number of patients suffering from heart disease has increased over the years, so too has the need for heart transplants. Unfortunately, the global supply of donor hearts remains limited, and not everyone who needs a heart transplant will receive a matching donor heart in time.

Recognizing the need for an effective and immediately available alternative to a donor heart, surgeons, medical researchers and inventors began developing early versions of total artificial hearts during the first half of the 20th century.

There have been 13 artificial heart designs used in patients, but only one has received commercial approval from the FDA.

Since the first patient implant in 1969, medical teams across the globe have developed 13 different artificial heart designs that have been used in patients. Many of these designs were initially intended to be permanent solutions. However, the majority have been used as temporary measures to keep a patient alive until a matching donor heart becomes available, known as a bridge to transplant, that's the importance an artificial heart has. 

As per the survey, a patient survived a maximum of 4.5 years on artificial heart. 

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